Friday, February 7, 2020

Solving the Problem

For the issue of lack of parking spaces and small space sizes at Fraternity Row, a solution is necessary. I believe that there are two possible solutions. One of which includes a total renovation of the current lot. This would be to maximize the current amount of space available to create more parking spots. The other solution might be to build a separate lot on Fraternity Row to create more spots and ultimately larger spots. Although this may seem like a great idea, it may realistically not be financially possible.


  1. Hi Blake! I totally see the opportunity with this problem. I have parked on Frat Row before, but I am aware that I got lucky. It’s a madhouse and there are never enough parking spots for the amount of people who are around the area. I like how you pointed out the possible downfall of this opportunity with the financial troubles. It is always interesting to not only look at a great opportunity in front of you, but the things that may not work out in regards to that opportunity. The total renovation of the current lot seems like a great idea, as well as the separate lot. I worry about the room for the extra lot if it were to happen. Overall, great post!

  2. Hi Blake, I also agree that this is a big problem that UF needs to address. It seems as though parking spots all over campus are incredibly small in hopes to accommodate as many people as possible. Maybe adding a parking garage near Fraternity Row could be a solution. I think there are enough people who are angry about the parking situation, that a solution needs to be made.
