Thursday, April 16, 2020

Reading Reflection No. 3

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Scott Adams

The overall message of this book is that people should look at failures with an entire new perspective. Adams talks about his life story as an entrepreneur and discusses how he maintained his motivation and happiness through all of his failures which guided him to his success. Three important lessons learned throughout the book include building systems instead of goals, think of activities in terms of time and space and learn more about yourself through your strengths and weaknesses to see what job you are fit to do.
This book connected with what we are learning in ENT 3003 by going into further detail and personal experiences on some information we learned in the lectures. Things like taking risks in the business world and creating success out of your failure were discussed in depth in this book. This was also discussed in class but it is great reading about it in someone’s personal experiences.
If I were to create an exercise for ENT 3003 based on this book, I would have students create a list of their strengths, weaknesses and hobbies. I would want them to see what they think they are passionate about and good at completing. After doing this, I want students to search for jobs or internships that have employees with similar strengths/weaknesses and hobbies. This would incorporate a lesson from the book and simultaneously help students find what they are looking for in a job or work environment.
The lesson taught that surprised me the most and changed my perspective on goals was that you should build your life around systems contrary to goals. It was described that the two flaws with goals are that they are in the future and they are specific. I originally expected that this made goals better, but the reasoning Scott provided illustrates a different and eye-opening perspective.


  1. Hi Blake!
    I read this book for my last reading reflection and thought it was very inspiring. I'm glad that this book changed your perspective on goals, because it did that for me as well. I think the assignment that you would create for students is very interesting and will be of great benefit to them. I think by comparing yourselves to others, in positive ways, can help when realizing your own strengths. I think that by creating these lists, students would really be able to see the work environments that they would strive in and realize if they want to work on some parts of theirselves, they should start now!

  2. Hi Blake! We read different books, but your summary and analysis makes me wish I read yours! Scott Adams seems like a really intelligent entrepreneur and I'm very interested in his analysis of what kept him motivated through failure. Good job!

  3. Hi Blake, I did not read this book but it seems very interesting and I might have to read it while stuck inside because of the virus. It seems like the author had a unique perspective because usually when you start a business you just set a lot of goals for the company. Maybe it is more important to focus on the systems around achieving those goals and you will be able to succeed in different ways than you imagined.
